On January 5th, 2021 New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio signed Just Cause protections into law. These landmark bills will protect essential fast-food workers from unjust firings and cuts to hours, giving workers regular schedules they can depend on from week to week. Just Cause is the next step toward turning essential fast-food jobs into good family-sustaining jobs! These laws go into effect on July 4th, 2021.

Do you believe your rights have been violated? We want to know and help. 201-800-4079.

We are essential fast-food workers who fed New York City during the COVID-19 pandemic often without hazard pay, access to quality healthcare, and PPE.


Way back in 2012, when fast-food workers rose up and demanded “$15 and a union,” nobody thought it was possible. But we persevered and won $15 for all low-wage workers in New York. And we have kept on winning: Fair Workweek Laws, Fair Fares NYC, Paid Sick Law, Access to Hours, and most recently Just Cause protections for NYC’s 70,000 fast-food workers.

When the Manhattan elites fled, we stayed behind to serve our city. We still desperately need a voice on the job. Our demand has always been “$15 and a union.” We won $15, and now we are organizing with 32BJ SEIU to win our union.

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